40: ATTEN ATF20B DDS Signal Function Generator (40mHz~20MHz)

Listenpreis:EUR 319,99
Verfgbarkeit:Versandfertig in 24 Stunden
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ATTEN ATF20B DDS Signal Function Generator (40mHz~20MHz). Das beliebte Produkt ist derzeit verfgbar. Zu diesem gnstigen Preis, kommt ATTEN ATF20B DDS Signal Function Generator (40mHz~20MHz) hufig empfohlen, und es ist eine beliebte Wahl unter den meisten Menschen. Dont Zeit verschwenden, nehmen Sie es auf den Link unten, um immer besonderes Angebot.
Product Description

Feature List
instantaneous switching frequency to achieve a stable value, non-continuous signal phase and amplitude distortion;
Output waveform calculated by the function synthesis, the waveform with high precision, low distortion;
Output waveforms type up to 32 kinds(Sine, square, triangle, sawtooth, pulse and other waveforms);
output fundamental and harmonic signals, both two phase adjustable;
has a frequency sweep and amplitude Scanning,3 scanning way:forward,reverse and return scanning;
FM / FSK / ASK and PSK frequency signals can be modulated;
burst count can be output pulse train signal, set the precise pulse duty cycle;
overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, output short circuit protection a few minutes, the anti-sink voltage protection;
frequency counter, internal / external signal frequency measurement (optional);
power amplifier output power can reach 7W (optional);

TTL output characteristics
-Waveform Characteristics: square wave, rise and fall time 20nS
-Frequency: 40mHz ~ 1MHz
-Amplitude Characteristics: TTL, CMOS compatible, low 4V

Wave length 1024 point,sampling rate: 100MSa / S
Waveform amplitude resolution 8bits
Total distortion sine wave 1% (20Hz~200kHz)
Duty cycle square wave 1% to 99%
Voltage: AC220V (1 10%)
AC110V (1 10%) (change the input voltage switch position)
Frequency: 50Hz (1 5%)
Power consumption: Features

  • Frequency accuracy can be reached 10^-5 magnitude
  • frequency resolution up to 40mHz
  • RS232 interface
  • frequency counter, internal / external signal frequency measurement (optional)
  • store 40 groups of users to set the instrument state parameters, can be called up to reproduce

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40: ATTEN ATF20B DDS Signal Function Generator (40mHz~20MHz) Rating: 4.5 Posted by: lowongan16

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